Updated 27 Nov 2009, 0200 UTC

PSK31 is a digital mode:
 - designed by Peter G3PLX
- based on the RTTY mode of operation,
- useful for live keyboard to keyboard QSO
- that works at 31.25 baud
- easy to use and monitor, that give very good copy under low Eb/No numbers and is thus suitable for QRP, that instead of using FSK or on/off keying uses BPSK or QPSK with a Viterbi decoder,
- software available for free for many platforms (see links below)
- uses SoundBlaster type Soundcard, and uses advanced DSP and narrow band (31 Hz!!) techniques.
- very simple interfacing for audio/PTT

PSK31 is not a digital mode that will make Pactor, Pactor-2, Clover-II or Gtor obsolete, or offer error free links, or can be used to transmit files or access mailboxes...

As an unwritten rule, most PSK31 contacts are made using upper sideband (USB). Look for PSK stations around 3.5800 MHz, 7.070/035 MHz, 14.070 MHz, 21.070 MHz or 28.070 MHz. Most PSK31 programs default to BPSK.

Need a program to save all you audio settings for the each of the different programs that you run, for example SSTV, EchoLink, PSK31, etc, then check out QuickMix.

Links for PSK31 information and free software:

CFARS - BC - Click on Data Info - Links to software that they have extensively tested

The Official PSK31 WWW Homepage

'Buck' Rogers K4ABT's  PSK31 interface Home Page  

Penn-Ohio DX Society (PODXS) 070 Club PSK Award

DOS PSK31 Software

Intercom  by Pier PA3BYZ

Windows PSK31  Software

Digipan by Howard KH6TY and Nick "MixW32" UT2UZ.
WinWarbler by Dave, AA6YQ
WinPSK   by Moe AE4JY
Winpskse by Dave Knight KA1DT

Linux PSK31 Software

G-psk31 for Linux , by Luc Langehegermann, LX2GT
twpsk 0.10, PSK31 for Linux and Lesstif, by Hansi Reiser DL9RDZ and Ted WA0EIR
PhaseShift by Edson PU1JTE  ????????

Macintosh PSK31 Software

Multimode by Chris N3JLY

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